♥ Monday, February 22, 2010♥

HAHA TODAY SOMEBODY ASK ME WHO I LIKE AND I SAID THAT I LIKE NO ONE!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU ARE SEEING THIS RIGHT NOW I WANT TO TELL YOU THAT THIS BLOG IS ABANDONED BY THE ONE AND ONLY ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME AND NO ONE ELSE MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...................................................................................................................................................................................................................

.jpg TheaudiQueen

♥ Monday, February 15, 2010♥

Today is a Monday holiday But I dont get to see her for 4 day's.... Now I know what is the meaning of love seeing the person once is not enough U will wish to see her forever which you will never forget her face and her smile....... I always wish that that holiday's are fun but after i known her, I don't even want holiday's......... Ok This is the end of today! Byes!

.jpg TheaudiQueen

♥ Sunday, February 14, 2010♥

Hiie guys and happy CNY and a great VD! Today when to my Grandmother's house and my own house to celebrate CNY...... Don't get to see her for another 3 more days... Hope she have a Happy CNY and a great VD..... Hope she will like me!

.jpg TheaudiQueen

♥ Saturday, February 13, 2010♥

Hiie guys! Today very fun cos no have music cos I never do homework...... Today celebrating CNY! Sure Very Fun one. Today went back to FPPS With my friends and her... But I went to City SQ to eat but I no money watch ppl eat until I want to go home ahhh! Now I playing with my friend WT. He say I quite ZAI leh Very happy! Today Very happy cos see talk to me but I never talk to her..... Today my friend and I seat together at the hall and he told me that she like me. I never reply him don care him! For that question only. Wish that will be true! Byes!

.jpg TheaudiQueen

♥ Friday, February 12, 2010♥

Hiie Guys and thanks for reading this blog for 2 weeks. Today going to my grandma's house to celebrate CNY....... Don't get to see her for 4 days..... Very sad.... Tomorrow is VD and CNY just woke up to write this blog.... so nothing much to write... Heard yesterday my friend said that she liked someone....... Nvm one still got chance....

.jpg TheaudiQueen

♥ Thursday, February 11, 2010♥

Hiie all! Today quite fun cos get to play catching with my friends and I am very happy cos she said hi to me.(she never say before leh) She also got 20/25 I only have 18/25. I think she can cope her studies better than me, I must work hard to get promoted to the same class as her....Wish she will like me! Byes!

.jpg TheaudiQueen

♥ Wednesday, February 10, 2010♥

Hiie! Today quite fun cos got science, Get to do experiment about some stuff lah I also don no one. okay let's not talk about this, Today see her like very sad leh.. I also don no why did not get to ask her y. Shit lah. wish I could get the chance to ask her cos got no time and after school did not get to see her....... just now at chinese class hor got one guy, say I like her leh Than I was like WAH LAU but deep in my heart I was like how he know one? Hiya Never mind one one day she will realise it I no need to tell, she know already. Byes!

.jpg TheaudiQueen

♥ Tuesday, February 9, 2010♥

Hiie all. Today I very happy she talked to me!WOHOHOHO! But now my friend know...... say want to tell her told not to but not sure if tell..... If tell I mati like hell cos nobody noe that I like her...... That friend also have watch masked rider den-0 leh very shoik now can talk to him more about masked rider HA :D Wish she will one day say she like me....

.jpg TheaudiQueen

♥ Monday, February 8, 2010♥

Hiie guys! Today was a very fun day cos I had two tests which I can do and will pass with flying colours. Today she said that I owe her something leh I also do no what thing but she just said that and I will ask her tomorrow as I had forgotten about it. Later got tuition leh haven do HW. k now going eating. Byes!Hope I will never forget the something that I owe her and hope she will talk to me as I am timid......

.jpg TheaudiQueen

♥ Sunday, February 7, 2010♥

Hello all. welcome to the first week of my blog. Today went to my Grandmother's house and play With my two cousin......saturday went to concert at bendemeer sec..... haizzzz She not online on facebook... Wish she online now.......Hope she will talk to me tomorrow.....Byes!

.jpg TheaudiQueen

♥ Saturday, February 6, 2010♥

Hiie! Today very cos my GAME can play! Finally I can play WolfTeam. I rank up 2 rank now I very good, my friend say first time play very sian but I disagree. Yesterday got no mood to write cos I very sad......... Today FaceBook cannot go to application so cannot play game......... Later play more Wolfteam. I will Talk to her on Monday hope she will reply. Byes!

.jpg TheaudiQueen

♥ Friday, February 5, 2010♥

Hello... Today don get to talk with her........ very sad :( haizzzzzz but just now get to play my new instrument........ hope she will talk to me on Monday!Byes!

.jpg TheaudiQueen

♥ Thursday, February 4, 2010♥

hello my fellow readers. Today was a very exciting day cos I talked to her and helped her.(which is the one I like) and I helped her with the work the teacher gave us just now.(wish she could sit beside me) The test that I was confident about got 9/11... nooooooooooo thought that I could get 11/11 maybe I was overconfident. Now I must not be overconfident......haizzzzzzzz. Just now ate the chips black pepper, very nice one wish I could eat more....... Thanks for reading my blog thanks! (wish that the girl I like will talk to me even more!) Byes:)

.jpg TheaudiQueen

♥ Wednesday, February 3, 2010♥

Hello my fellow readers. today was quite fun but quite sad for me because I went for band and they placed me on the on the trombone section....... Wasted 3 years of training haizzzzz. Today very bored nothing to do now other than writing a blog... Now playing Facebook games. Today went back home with 3 friends from band, at lest got someone to follow me back to school cos I quite lonely when I go back home by my house. Today the girl i like talk to me leh like I am her best friend.(that is what I think lah) wish she will talk to me more than usual. Bye!

.jpg TheaudiQueen

♥ Tuesday, February 2, 2010♥

Hello my fellow readers. Today's school very fun get to present project in front which I had done yesterday for 3 hours. Today also suddenly very hungry for 4 period in class. Yesterday get to pack my selves beside my bed which has dam lots of exciting books that I had a decade ago. Today got tuition from 1600 to 1730 haizzzz. Later when come back from tuition think can play computer? I also don't know. That's all for today! Hope that she will talk to me like today talk more than last time! byes!

.jpg TheaudiQueen

♥ Monday, February 1, 2010♥

Today quite boring but is quite interesting cos my friend and i went to play badminton today and it was fun and I keep losing to him, I want to win him next time we play but he say want to go to our school GYM tomorrow so can't get revenge. Today stay back to do project and I think I am going to all of them all 6 question! dam I on have 9h and 25 minute left to do. And now I am slacking later than CHIONG project. thanks to Kate, my sec school friend and pri school friend and her friend for helping me to creating this Blog for me. Thanks!:) hope the girl I like will talk to me!

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♥ ♥

thanks to Kate,melissa

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